Untitled – Original Drawing on Paper

Robert Aldern


Felt Tip Pen on Paper

7″ x 7″


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Robert Aldern

(1929-2011) Robert J. Aldern received his BFA from the Hartford Art School in Hartford, CT, in 1957, and his bachelor’s degree from Augustana in 1951. He taught in the Augustana Art Department from 1980 until his retirement in 1991. He served as Department Chair from 1980-1988. Aldern served the college as Professor Emeritus and Artist-in-Residence during his retirement. His vision and artistic talent made the Hovland Center for Liturgical Arts a reality. Examples of his work on campus include the reredos in the Chapel of Reconciliation.   In his own words, Robert Aldern’s poetic artist statement is as follows:   “I want my paintings to seed my remaining seasons. Through the textural changes of plowing, harrowing, planting, cultivating; Growing to blossom And yielding to harvest To be disked and plowed...

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